Aerobic workout: training program and exercises. In the fight for six pack for abs, we cannot do without aerobic exercise. Another thing is that one interval running is not enough for us. Yes, cardio intervals are the most effective way to “burn fat”, but they do not load abs. So we will complement interval aerobics with strength cardio. This is the name for exercises with additional weights, which are performed in aerobics at a high-speed mode. Like running, they will make you gasp for breath. However, they have another invaluable plus: all explosive exercises fiercely strain the abs! It turns out that we will get a double fitness benefit from aerobics!

List of Aerobic Exercise Examples

Slam Ball

Stand up straight, holding a weighted ball weighing 5-7 kg in straight arms above your head. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Rise on your toes, and then, using the combined force of all the muscles of the body, hit the ball with all your might on the floor. Continuing the momentum of the throw, lower yourself into the squat. Pick up the ball quickly and return to the starting position for a new replay.

Dumbbell Lateral Lunge

Stand straight with dumbbells in straight arms at the sides of your thighs. Take a wide side step and lower yourself into a deep squat until your unsupported leg is fully extended. By explosively extending the supporting leg, return to a standing position. Do another repeat on the other side.

Resistance Band Deadlift with Jump

Pass the resistance band under your feet and stand up straight. With the resistance band handles in your hands, lift them up so that it stretches. Sit down slightly, bending your knees, and then in an explosive manner, do a deadlift and continue with a jump to the top. At the same time, with a dynamic force, pull the handles to your chest.

Dumbbell Reverse Lunge

Stand straight with dumbbells in straight arms at the sides of your thighs. Take a wide step back with one leg and lower yourself into a squat on the other leg. Explosively lift out of the squat and place your feet next to each other again. Move your other leg back and do a new rep.

Jump Lunges

Get into a one-legged squat position like a lunge. Powerfully push off the floor and change the position of your legs while jumping. After landing on the other supporting foot, lower yourself into a squat again. Do reps without rest until the end of the set.

Dumbbell Front Squat

Stand up straight with dumbbells at your shoulders. Slowly lower yourself into a squat, and then straighten as quickly as possible due to the explosive effort of the leg muscles.

Dumbbell Jump Squat

Stand straight with dumbbells in straight arms at the sides of your thighs. Bend your knees slightly, dropping into a half-squat and then jump up with all your strength. Landing softly, without pause, lower yourself into a semi-squat again.

Dumbbell Push Press

Stand up straight, holding heavy dumbbells at your shoulders with a neutral grip. Bend your knees slightly, and then powerfully straighten, pushing the dumbbells onto straight arms above your head. Return the dumbbells in a controlled manner to your shoulders.

Dumbbell Deadlift

Keeping your back straight, dynamically lower yourself into a half-squat and place the dumbbells on the floor in front of you. Without releasing the dumbbells from your hands, straighten again.

Dumbbell Swing

Place a heavy dumbbell between your legs on the floor. Lower yourself into a half-squat and grab her bar with both hands. Powerfully straighten and swing the dumbbell up to shoulder level, following the example of a swing with a kettlebell. Return the dumbbell to the floor.

Towel Pull-Ups

Throw a towel over the horizontal bar and grab the ends firmly. Hanging from the ends of the towel, use an explosive force to pull yourself up to the bar.

Standing Resistance Band Row

Throw the resistance band over the machine rack at chest level. Holding the grips with straight arms in front of you, step back to tighten the resistance band. Bend your knees slightly, tilt your body forward. With an explosive force, take your straight arms back then return to the starting position. Repeat one after the other without pause.

Standing One-Arm Resistance Band Row

Take the same starting position as for the previous exercise. Keeping one arm straight, pull the resistance band toward your body with the other, trying to pull your elbow back as far as possible. Straighten your arm and repeat the movement with the other hand. Do deadlifts at a fast pace.

Resistance Band Pulldown with Turn of the Body

Throw the resistance band over the horizontal bar over your head and grab its handles with straight arms. Step back from the crossbar to tighten the resistance band. Make an explosive top-down chopping motion with your straight arms, turning your body. After completing all the specified repetitions, stand to the crossbar with the other side.

Shadow Boxing with Resistance Band

Throw the resistance band over the machine rack at chest level. Stand with your back to the rack and hold the handles with your bent arms at your shoulders, imitating a boxing stance. Take a few steps forward to tighten the resistance band. Take alternating blows in the air, throwing a straight arm forward in a jab style.

list of aerobic exercise examples

Cardio Aerobic Workout

High Intensity Workout (Monday, Thursday)

This workout is divided into 2 parts. The first step is to do 6 explosive circular dumbbell exercises. Sets of different exercises follow one after the other without rest. Rest 40-60 seconds after each “circle”. Complete 6 “circles”.

Next, you will alternate between interval treadmill running and plyometric explosive exercises. Interval run lasts 4 minutes. and includes 30 sec. sprint plus 30 sec. jogging.

Aerobic Training Program: Part 1

Exercises Reps
Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 6 (for each leg)
Dumbbell Deadlift 12
Dumbbell Jump Squat 12
Dumbbell Front Squat 6
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge 6 (for each leg)
Dumbbell Push Press 6

Rest 40-60 seconds after each “circle”. Make 6 “circles”.

Aerobic Training Program: Part 2

Exercises Reps
Interval Running 4 min
Slam Ball 20
Interval Running 4 min
Towel Pull-Ups 20
Interval Running 4 min
Jump Lunges 10 (for each leg)
Interval Running 4 min
Dumbbell Swing 20

No rest between exercises.

Medium Intensity Workout (Tuesday, Friday)

This workout includes explosive exercises with resistance bands, performed in a circular pattern, and plyometric jumps.

After completing all the “circles”, proceed to plyomegric jumps. A high jump from a place is performed in special equipment: solid weights should be put on the ankles. If you do not have this inventory, do the jumps twice as long (60 sec.)

Aerobic Training Program

Exercises Reps
Standing Resistance Band Row 30
Standing One-Arm Resistance Band Row 15 (for each arm)
Resistance Band Pulldown with Turn of the Body 15 (in each direction)
Shadow Boxing with Resistance Band 30 (for each arm)
Resistance Band Deadlift with Jump 30

Rest 40-60 seconds after each “circle”. Make 6 “circles”.

Low Intensity Workout (Wednesday, Saturday)

Raise the treadmill platform 8-10 degrees. Within 20-30 minutes. jog. The pace of the run is moderate. Training serves recovery purposes.

Aerobic Training Program

Exercises Reps
Running on a treadmill at an angle of 8-10 degrees. Moderate pace. 20-30 min

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