What do you know about Egypt? Pyramids, the Sphinx? At the moment, fans of iron sports associate the word “Egypt” with only one name – Mamdouh Elssbiay Big Ramy height, better known as Big Ramy (Big Ramy). This is certainly the most promising athlete, who won only one PRO tournament, went to Olympia, and at the same time entered the TOP-10. Big Rami became a professional with less than three years of training experience. In the world of bodybuilding, such a breakthrough can safely be considered phenomenal. It is this that causes the crazy popularity of Mamdou.

big ramy

But who is Mamdu in reality and where is the potential in it? On the Internet, Big Ramy height is often called a “fisherman”. All the conscious life he earned just fishing, like his whole family. In Egypt, seafood is the lion’s share of the diet of any person, such a territorial location. Fishing brought relatively good money to him and six brothers. In this craft, a large amount of work is important, and it is possible only if there is good physical preparation, that is why the children in his family from an early age were given to various sports sections. The level of development of sports in Egypt is one of the highest among all Arab and African countries. Big Ramy height has always been interested in power sports, but in Egypt bodybuilding, powerlifting and weightlifting do not enjoy such popularity as football, boxing, or basketball. By the will of fate, the whole family Mamdu moved to Kuwait, hoping to open its fishing business. It was this decision that made Big Ramy height the starting point in the “big” life because he had a chance to fulfill his old dream – to become a bodybuilder.

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While still in Egypt, Big Ramy height learned about the existence of the Kuwait network of gyms “Oxygen Gym”, whose owner Baider Budai regularly holds seminars and training with the IFBB stars. Just at this time, he planned to invite the main idol of Mamdu – Victor Martinez, it was his Big Ramy height wanted to see with his own eyes, so he decided to get a job in one of the branches of this network. However, the meeting with Martinez did not take place, Victor did not suspect the existence of such a “huge” fan, but only until May 2013.

A few months later Baidera was informed that in one of its halls an athlete is working, who is going to connect life with professional bodybuilding. After a personal meeting with the “fisherman”, he gave Mamd all the necessary conditions, including a light work schedule. The first thing that struck Baider was the shape of Big Ramy height and his experience, which did not exceed 60 days. At first, he thought all this was some kind of joke, but he decided to help.

big ramy 2015

However, in the success of Mamdu, the key role was played not by the owner of the network of gyms, but by Dennis James – a veteran of bodybuilding. It was he who saw in big Ramy 2015 great potential, long before his first tournament. Denis helped to make a training plan, a diet, and, of course, shared knowledge about pharmacology, although it is not advertised. It is worth noting that in Egypt and Kuwait AAS is officially permitted, therefore, the quality of products is well controlled. Many say that this is one of the main factors of such rapid progress Big Rami. However, not all athletes from Arab and African countries are becoming popular throughout the world, think about it.

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The starting point in the career of Big Ramy was the amateur Olympia 2012. It was there that he made his debut on the platform in the category of heavyweights. Spectators and judges appreciated the quality and volumes of Mamdu. He easily wins his category and absolute, thereby earning a PRO-card.

According to James’s plan, the first and at the same time the pro-tournament for Mamdou was supposed to be “New York Pro 2013”. There it was planned to make a loud statement about yourself, and get a proper reputation with the admission to the 2013 Olympia. For Big Ramy this competition was really troubling because of three factors:

  • – he had to compete with his idol – Victor Martinez;
  • – it was at this time that his second daughter was born;
  • – it was his debut as a professional bodybuilder.

Despite all this, he won first place, loudly declaring himself to the whole bodybuilding community. Judges have noted good proportions of Big Ramy along with large volumes with a weight of more than 288 pounds (130.6 kg). His ability to shape his form did not leave anyone indifferent, and the cries in the hall were proof of this. A distinctive feature of Mamdu can be called the absence of weaknesses and good “quality” of the muscles, which is inherent in a few athletes.

After the “New York Pro 2013” he took only 8th place in the tournament “Mr. Olympia 2013”, while among all the prize-winners, his weight was the most impressive – 130 kg. Not the best place after such a great victory in the previous tournament, but as a PRO-debut is quite good. By the way, it was enough to again bypass his idol, Victor Martinez. Many noted that the refereeing was questionable, and Big Ramy was supposed to get into the TOP-6, at the same time he expressed only positive and optimistic emotions about it. Just a couple of months, Mamdou signed a contract with the largest sponsor of the GAT. At the moment he is part of Team GAT, where the well-known Kevin Jordan is already present.

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Many professional athletes are predicting a great future for Big Ramy, including the throne of Olympia, but only time will show if he can hold on to such a high level. At the moment, Mamdouh Elssbiay is one of the few promising athletes who can bring a new intrigue to the current stellar composition of Olympia winners. Big Ramy can be compared with the Egyptian pyramids – this is the last miracle of the world, which, despite everything, still exists and pleases people.

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